Where is the Future now?

Behind the glitter of spectacular distractions, a tendency toward banalization dominates modern society the world over, even where the more advanced forms of commodity consumption have seemingly multiplied the variety of roles and objects to choose from. The vestiges of religion and of the family, along with the vestiges of moral repression imposed by those two institutions, can be blended with ostentatious pretensions of worldly gratification precisely because life in this particular world remains repressive and offers nothing but pseudo-gratifications. Complacent acceptance of the status quo may also coexist with purely spectacular rebelliousness — dissatisfaction itself becomes a commodity as soon as the economy of abundance develops the capacity to process that particular raw material.

- Society of the Spectacle, chapter 3, 59

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What about boxes? Metaphorically speaking.

Boxes are things that make things come together

They are compartmentalised

Boxes restrict you (positively and negatively)

Boxes have sides to them

Circles are uniform but boxes... ? they have facets

Boxes help you organise

You can hide in boxes

A box can hold surprises

Boxes are hollow.. but they have deep thoughts

Boxes could mean closure

Boxes can open. Boxes can shut

Think of your life in boxes.. when you pack up..

Boxes can help differentiate

Schrodingers cat

New cement Buildings

It is closed and dark from the inside

Pandora's box

Artificial in form


Things around you today give you the impression of a box. Feeling claustrophobic, apartments, technology.

For some reason there are no curves in technology. You don't associate it to machines. Its manmade. Is that why the mac is so endearing? It reminds me of a soap, its soft. Is that why it stands out?

Cities are filled with boxes that i'm just dying to topple over.

Children love looking into boxes. They mostly have positive thoughts about them. It makes them curious.

James Geary, metaphorically speaking

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